Our contingent this year was slightly reduced, as Snorie was home with her new little boys and Lulu is 2 weeks away from delivering. She didn't see a problem with joining us, but we didn't really feel like polishing up on our midwifing skills. We were joined by Lulu's friend Kim, aka Domiknitrix, who is apparently crazy enough to like spending time with us.
The inn we stay at is a gorgeous little family owned endeavour called Brown's Bay Inn. We generally are there just as they open for the season, if not before. This means we get to spend a lot of time with the staff, and we can also go to breakfast in our jammies. The are a tolerant lot, but when they have other guests, they do frown on that. They were even kind enough to play the final game of round 2 on the dining room stereo for us so we didn't have to rush our meal to get the game in.
I went in to this weekend fully intending on finishing several pairs of socks I have on the go. Two of the pair are Nancy Bush's patterns, and one pair was a plain pair that I started on because I realized I was running low. One of the Nancy Bush socks has to be ripped out and started over, because heaven forbid I do a test swatch! Since I knew that would be no fun, and that there are times when socks just can't be worked on in a crowd (think turning the heel) I also packed some wonderful alpaca for a stole, from Headwater Wool, as well as some Handmaiden Rumple silk for a Bias shawl. The final two items I packed were a Philosopher's Wool kit that I wanted to get started on and a scarf that I am making out of the first yarn I ever purchased. I have managed to turn into a fibre snob, so this pound'o'acrylic will be keeping someone else warm this winter.
On to the pictures - finished objects and all!
Deb, the other blogger/photographer of the group:

She is wearing the Taiga, made from Briggs and Little wool, designed by Mabel for the book Knits from the North Country
The gang:

From left, Paddylou, Snorie (who drove up for the day, leaving her precious boys in the capable hands of her hubby and MIL, Heho and Annie. You may have noticed that Paddylou appears to be wearing Debdeb's Taiga. In fact, Deb never does anything half way, and this sweater was a test swatch, where she learned her tension was a bit to the small side *g*.
Mabel teaching Dom and Deb attached I-cord. You can tell what a good student I am by how closely I'm paying attention while taking these pictures:

Now to some of my knitting.
I started the Headwater Lace Alpaca Stole, here it is as a big lump of lace:

And here it is as a stretched lump of lace, only 5 more feet to go:

I also started my Handmaiden Bias Stole, made with Rumple silk:

(I have since finished this one)
And I managed to get 2 things off the needles! Not quite as impressive as Deb who knit a FairIsle sock in one day, but I'm still happy. My plain socks and the charity scarf. I'm not sure if I'll be able to block the hell out of the acrylic, but I'm sure going to try. Either way it's off to keep someone else warm: