Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The babymoon isn't over yet

Just after we brought Victoria home from the hospital my mother was visiting and she made the comment, 'you can put her down you know.' To which I replied, 'why?' and I have been loving ever minute I spend with her. Unfortunately, carrying her has impeded my efforts to start knitting again, at least until last night. After carefully engineering a rig of pillows and blankets, I was able to support her properly for nursing and napping, leaving both hands free for knitting. And knit I did. Mind you, it was only 6 or so rows of garter, but it was knitting! Talk about a 'look ma, no hands' moment.

I will admit, the situation was becoming desperate. I was fully prepared to go back to straight pins and stick one in my armpit if this didn't work *g*.

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